HAS Nov 2024 Art Show & Sale

Sat & Sun November 2-3, 2024        10-4pm









We are celebrating our 17th year at Hollis Arts Society and gearing up for our annual HAS November Art Show & Sale. Our members have been prepping throughout the year in hopes of record Art Sales. Our Artists create a wide range of products, perfect for large or small gifts for the holidays. Our artists range from seasoned professionals, to Students. HAS offers our members the opportunity to put a display booth together and work their sales pitches in a supportive community setting. We are so grateful for the amazing community interest and to see our yearly sales increase over the last few years. It’s a gift to see the pride on our Artist’s faces when they make their first sale…or any sale for that matter.

Join us if you can, either as a presenter or a buyer. It’s a fun weekend for us to share our art work with the public and connect with our fellow artists. Hope to see you there!

                                                 Presenter Application due by October 14, 2024:          HAS 2024 Art Show Application

HAS Nov 2024 Annual Art Show & Sale Rules and Information: HAS 2024 Nov Art Show info

You must be a member to participate in our show.     HAS 2024 Membership Application